I couldn't help but think about my relationship with Kess, my beagle. J and I welcomed her into our family 7 years ago. For us, she is more than a dog, more than a pet - she is our child.

There are some parallels between a puppy and a baby, although it is much easier having a dog than a child. As part of her "potty training", every time she woke up from sleep, after play and after meals, we used to place her in a small fenced area in our garden to pee and poo. Of course, she didn't always cooperate. The worst times were when she woke up at the wee hours in the morning and whined to be let out of her crate. Bleary-eyed and groggy, we would let her out and place her into her fenced-in spot. We would then sit on the bench and waited, and waited some more. Our neighbours probably thought we were wonky!

Like Marley, trouble is also Kess' middle name. She did not like to kept in a confined area. We had to abandon our noble ideas of crate training as she would just whine and claw at the crate door. We then decided to keep her at the laundry area next to our kitchen - a bigger area should do the trick, so we thought. We fenced the area off with dog fencing and went off to bed. A couple of hours later, our blissful sleep was interrupted by a heart-wrenching yelp of pain. We jumped out of bed and rushed to the back. Our little beagle pup, in her quest to escape from her "prison", had tried to climb over the dog fencing and had gotten her paws stuck in the gaps. This was the start of her famous escapades, and we knew we should have named her "Houdini" after the famous magician and escapologist.
Oh, just got to know Kess is seven years old. The bond between you and Kess would surely be like a family.. growing stronger each day.
you finally watched marley and me. it's good ya? i cried loads too at the end. it reminded me of rusky and some parts of the movie reminded me of kess as well :)
Time flies! it is just like a few months when I met Kess the first time!!!! Wow! already 7 years!!!!! Hey you are in mid-life now???? Any mid-life crisis like we humans??? If there are any would love to hear about them!!!!!
Kess' middle name is trouble? So is our dog, Robbie, a labrador. he will 'escape, from the smallest gap in our gate and run down the road, bark at dogs in other houses and give us the runaround! Our garden is likea trench 'coz he loves to dig and lie there!! Still, he's our very own.
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