I was really touched. Honestly, it was a real pleasure to spend the day with him and I didn't expect anything in return. Little C & I lazed in the jacuzzi, watched the filming of "5 Minutes of Fame" where people dressed in silly costumes and made a fool of themselves, played hide and seek behind the curtains, had coffee and cookies (Don't worry mum, Little C had orange juice)during tea time and then went for a romp at the park. Doesn't sound like hard work to me... Besides, little C is the most adorable boy I know and is quite well-behaved as far as little boys go. Well done mum & dad!
Of course, little C's dad had another motive. He just wanted to get invited again for dinner - this time to try out one of Jamie Oliver's recipes. No problem, big C. I enjoy experimenting with new recipes. Anyway, we agreed that we would have another dinner party soon. Our friend Kim agreed to host it at his place and we would probably consider a Jamie Oliver themed party... All this happened because little C gave me a book "Cook with Jamie". What can I say, the best things in life are unexpected.